Student Ministry Enters New Season

Student Ministry Enters New Season
The world is changing. That is a fact. AP classes, sports, students who work, homework and a million other things often deter students from participation in Student Ministries. We are excited about the new season and opportunity that God is giving us to minister to students in a different time slot. Traditionally youth ministry has always been held on Wednesday Nights. We are trying something new. We are going to have student ministry on Sunday mornings. We invite you to join us EVERY SUNDAY MORNING at 10:30 A.M.
It is not that students can’t relate to the Sunday morning messages. It is that our students face pressures that adults do not and we must do our very best to minister to them on a level they can relate to.
We don’t claim to be a mega church with flashy programs. We do believe that every student needs someone to care about them in a personal way! Every student needs someone who can mentor them in their walk with Christ. While “big” produces one dynamic. “Smaller” groups can also produce a powerful impact in lives. We believe it is the love in the heart of those who lead not the size of the group that makes the most impact.
God has given us some phenomenal leaders.
We believe your student will love being a part of student ministries at Fountain of Life.
Come give it a try!
Cesar and Ashley Moreira