Is this not the fast that I have chosen? These words were uttered by Isaiah the prophet 100’s of years ago, but they reveal the purposes that God will honor as we chose to fast and pray before his throne. In this simple passage in Isaiah God says the fast that I have chosen will be for the following areas?
- Fast so that you or others can be free from addictions
Isaiah 58:6 “Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
To loose the bonds of wickedness,”
The word picture given here is really powerful. A bond is something you would use to bind someone so that they lose their freedom. Some physical bonds would be a chain or a rope. Yet this is not speaking simply of physical bondages. This is speaking of spiritual bondages. We are to fast to loose the bonds of wickedness. There are people who are literally enslaved and in spiritual bondage today.
I believe that whom the Son sets free is free indeed. God wants us to be free. If you are a believer in Jesus there should be nothing in your life that exerts a power over you. You should not be addicted to anything. Yet perhaps there are things in your life that you would like to lay down but have been unable to:
- “I’ve tried to quit smoking, but I can’t!”Try fasting!
- “I don’t want to do drugs anymore.” But I just struggle. Try fasting!
- “I don’t want to watch porn anymore.” Try fasting!
- “I just can’t seem to stop cussing.” Try fasting!
- “I keep on getting drunk and I want to be free.” Try fasting!
- “I don’t know how to control my temper.” Try fasting!
These are all things that the bible calls bondages. Satan wants to keep people bound up in sin. But we can fast and we can pray and God will answer and He can set people free. God has ordained that when we get serious about walking in victory that we would demonstrate it through fasting.
Some of you are thinking, well how does that work exactly? When we fast for our own self we are enacting a biblical principle. There is a principle in the Word that talks about crucifying the flesh. The flesh is that part of us or others that desire to satisfy or gratify the sinful nature. Every time you say no to eating, you are crucifying the flesh. Every time you say no to dinner and go to pray…you are building up your spirit man and you are decreasing the power that the flesh has over you. So it stands to reason that if you can control your appetite for food, you can control it for any other area.
Besides that when you fast, you are drawing near to God. And when you get near to him. He gets near to you. He will help you.
When you are fasting for others to be delivered from addiction God sees that, and he is able to turn up the heat of His Holy Spirit power. God is able to bring conviction by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is able to wake them up in the night. God is able to bring people you don’t even know into their life. Fasting and prayer works.
- Fast so that you can solve difficult problems.
There is no problem so big that God cannot solve it. There is not a problem so complex or powerful that God cannot handle it. The scripture tells us that God is omniscient, he is all knowing, and all powerful.
All the wisdom of the world is his. Beyond that the scripture tells us that God says the fast that I have chosen is…
Isaiah 58:6 NKJV “To undo the heavy burdens”
There are some things that people carry, that can become like a heavy burden. There are situations and problems at work, or in families that become a burden. You wake up in the morning and you feel it. You go to bed at night and you are thinking about it. It may be that your life is more tangled up than a child’s knotted shoelaces. It may feel like your finances are completely messed up. You may have legal situations. You may have problems that are heavy. It may seem like your marriage is in shambles. I challenge with the Word today: the solution is to call out to God during times of prayer and fasting.
When it seems hopeless. When it seems like there is no way out! He will be the Way-Maker! God can deal with things in an instant that you’ve stressed over for weeks and months! Expect divine revelation! Expect the power of God to be revealed.
I have discovered in my own personal fasting that it takes about three to five days for my mind and spirit to clear up. Then I receive a clarity before the Lord. It is as though I hear his voice stronger and clearer. This will happen for you as well. God has the solution to your heavy burden.
- Fast for revival and soulwinning
I have seen real revival in churches that I have attended and pastored. But I know that it did not come except after seasons of fasting and prayer. Have you ever seen a church in revival? A church in revival sees souls saved easily. There just seems like there is such victory in every life. They corporately and powerfully sense the presence of God. We have to remember that we are in a spiritual world and the enemy does not want the church to be on fire. The enemy does not want you to be excited about Jesus.
God says that the fast that I have chosen is…
Isaiah 58:6 says “to let the oppressed go free”
I know one thing that if you are a true believer you cannot be possessed by the devil. You can be oppressed. Have you ever just felt a heaviness upon you? Have you ever felt like you couldn’t get a breakthrough? You feel like you don’t have the authority to fight your way out of a wet paper bag?
It is the oppression of the enemy. God says that he wants you to be free from oppression. God wants you to have victory. God wants your family your friends and your neighbors to be free.
Fasting increases your capacity to praise Him and that will cause all heaviness to leave. Fasting increases your faith level. Fasting brings victory over the spirit of heaviness and oppression. Fasting opens your eyes to the needs of a lost and dying world around you.
- Fast To Conquer Mental and Emotional Problems.
Do you reign over your emotions, or do your emotions reign over you?
Consider Isaiah 58:6 “And that you break every yoke?” A yoke is put on oxen to control them. A yoke is put on oxen so that the one who is driving them can steer in the direction the driver wants the oxen to go. God wants us to be free from every yoke but His. What is driving you?
- Some people allow their emotions to drive them.
- Some people the stress drives them.
- Some people allow anger to drive them.
- Some are driven to depression and despair by negative thoughts.
God wants us to have joy, peace, hope, and courage as we face life’s obstacles. Some have found themselves in situations where it seems like the enemy says, “to the right” and they go right. The enemy says, “go left” and they go left. They are under his yoke. It affects their emotions and mental state. God doesn’t want you to live under that emotional strain. If you wake up in the morning and you are in tears. If you go to bed at night and you just aren’t happy. It is time for every yoke to go. It is time that the only one that controls you is the Spirit of the Living God! The kingdom of heaven is not eat and drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
God wants us free. And the key is fasting and prayer.
- Fast to be able to meet the physical needs of others.
Most Americans don’t really know what it feels like to be hungry. There are hungry people in the world. When you fast, it makes you more compassionate for others who are hungry. God says the fast that I have chosen will concern those who are physically hungry.
Isaiah 58:7 NKJV “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
When you see the naked, that you cover him,”
Maybe every Friday night, you go out to eat, take the family out, and drop 50 dollars on dinner. Why not fast that meal for a month and give the money to those who are physically hungry through Feed the Children or some other program?
- Fast for clearer insight in decision making.
This is different that problem solving. There are moments when you need to make major decisions in your life. Let me give you a few scenarios
- Job offers
- Job transfers
- Buying a house.
- Moving to another part of town
- Dating someone or considering marriage
- Having more children
- Going into ministry
- Going to college
You want to make sure that you are doing the right thing. You are at a fork in the road and you do not know which way to go. Isaiah 58:8 says, “Then your light shall break forth like the morning,” It’s like God turns on the lights and now you know what to do! As you fast and pray, God will light up your path. You will know you are in his will, and doing the right thing.
- Fast for health reasons or healing.
Do you have a loved one that’s in bad shape? Get serious and fast for them!
Is it your health in question? Humble yourself before God and ask for healing. When there’s no hope from a human perspective, put it in God’s hands. He is the healer.
Isaiah 58:8 “Your healing shall spring forth speedily,”
Remember this is a promise that is attached to fasting and to prayer. The fast that I have chose says the Lord is to meet your physical needs for healing.
- Fast for a more righteous life and influential testimony
It’s easy for a Christian to grow cold…so say, Lord, light a fire under me! Make me like I was when I was first saved! I want to be closer to You, Lord! If you get serious enough to deny yourself in the physical realm, it will be amazing what God will do in your soul spiritually!
Isaiah 58:8 “And your righteousness shall go before you;”
I am just telling you that the benefits of fasting are powerful. People will just recognize there is something different about you. They will see Jesus in you. They will see it on your face
- Fast for God’s divine protection in our lives
Isaiah 58:8 “The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
I don’t want to go to deep into that but let’s just put it in modern vernacular: God will have your back.
If the discipline of prayer and fasting does all of these things. It’s time to get into the thick of things. It’s time to pray. It’s time to believe. Let’s fast. It is amazing how much time you have on your hands if you’re not eating, preparing, cleaning up after supper, watching TV, or engaged in other areas.
I want to leave you with one more verse today.
Isaiah 58:9 “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’”
The fast that I have chosen, God says, will bring you the answer you have been needing.
Amen this was great
Isaiah 58:8-9 ?
Glad you enjoyed the article!
That was really great more grace sir
Thanks for reading
Really enjoyed reading this… I found what I was looking for and what to fast after… Thanks for this revelation…
I am glad you enjoyed the article. May God bless you as you set aside time to fast and pray.
Wonderful, wonderful article!!! hallelujah praise God!!!
I am glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks Bob
Very informative article about fasting and prayer. It encouraged me to get serious about fasting and praying because it works. Its one of the many tools that God has giving us to fight.
Your article is good.I learned a lot.Thank you
Thanks for reading!
So powerful and spirit filled. More of God’s anointing upon your life pastor. Remain blessed ?
Thank you for your heart towards me. Same to you Margaret!
This has helped me so much. The Lord wants me to change my prayer life, i really used to fear fasting but now, I thank God I came across this article. More Grace pastor.
I am so glad this encouraged your spiritual life! God Bless you!
Thank you… this helps alot in understanding of fasting. God keep you Sir
May the Lord bless your time of fasting in a powerful way! In Jesus Name! Amen.
These all seem contrary to my understanding of that passage of the bible.
In my understanding, “…the fasting I have chosen…” means, : the right way to observe fasting. The right things do in a fast, as against just abstaining from food.
I kind of co not flow with your opinion here, as these points being REASONS for fasting.
They were not stated as Purposeto fast, but as the Right way to fast. And the closing parts Isaiah 58:8…talks bout the merits of true fasting done in these aforementioned correct ways.
Thanks for your comment
I just wanted to say that I used to understand this Scripture the same as you, Eric. But, the reason it says at the end that a proper fast will give results, is not that fasting from food is not proper, but that fasting for selfish and cold-hearted reasons is not proper. In the beginning of the Scripture, in verses 3 and 4, God explains how His people had been fasting cruelly. They were not fasting for love of others. God is saying He will respond to us in love when we fast in love. Rend your hearts, not your clothes.
I agree with you and with Pastor Bob. This scripture outlines the proper way to fast in a manner that is acceptable to God, as well as what He does not consider a true fast. However, when done according to God’s instructions, the kind of fast He has chosen has the power to bring all the results mentioned in this article, also as described by the scripture—to loose the chains of injustice, untie the cords of the yoke, set the oppressed free, break every yoke, and more.
Awesome straight talk about an unpopular topic. Starve the people, I say 🙂 LOL
This culture of immediacy is in for a rude awakening — so many children wait days for food in the world– in America people many people can’t even go for a day without food!
That is so true Holly.
Thanks for commenting.
Thank you so much for dissecting the word breaking it down to where I can fully understand the meaning of true fasting and false fasting. This has really blessed me and I’m so thankful for this article. God Bless you. I was so discouraged and didn’t quite understand the scripture but I prayed and he lead me straight to your page. Thank you again now I’m all in. I’m fasting about everything you just wrote and more. I really want Change and God’s will to be manifested in my life as well as other’s. These struggles has to come to a end. ?Not my will but his will. So bye bye struggles ?
May God bless you with a season where your struggles come to an end, and God’s peace prevails.
Amen I was touch by Isaiah 58
That must be the wonderful Holy Spirit at work.
Wonderful and timely article as my church has called a New Year’s consecration. I usually do not participate, but this year I am with intention! Everything you have laid out from Isaiah 58:6-8 is what I am in need of. I look forward to what the answers and the power of God that will be continually released in my life.
Thank you!
May the God of heaven hear and answer your prayers!
The reasons for fasting are well articulated, am blessed by your article,God bless you.
Is Isaiah 58 a one day fast.?
I have no idea
Isa.58 has been life changing for me. When I read it first about 50 years ago, I was struggling .I thought the promises were a bit overstated because I never heard a Christian say the promises happenned. As a matter of fa t, I could not and still 50 years later meet anyone who seriously fasts at all. My first fast was 3 days of total abstinence. Ithumbled me and isa.58 is not overstated. It is life changing. Some years I’ve gone on a 7 day water fast.isaiash 58 was fully occurring. Then 20 years ago I had a 12 day was too wonderful to even explain. The power of the fast lasted over a year. The holy spirit taught me much. Don’t just study about fasting, do it. Do it to glorify God.Do it for power. Do it for guidance
Do it to overcome big problems.
thank you for your encouraging testimony.
I am sure it will help many.
Thank you for this clarification!
thanks for reading and commenting,
This is insightful and inspiring. Thank you so much
thank you for your article. I am writing about fasting and this helped me even more. Thank you for being used of God.
thank you so much for the encouragment.
This is such a blessing! Thank you
God bless you, Bob
thank you for this insightful view of the passage
I learnt a lot from this article.
Amen , more grace Sir
i this the fast i chosen thta tohight am going for overnight prayers
First of all, thank you sir for allowing God to be made manifest through you
It go like this I was fasting and praying then the lord show me this scripture I battle to understand I even start praying for understanding but on the last day of fast which happened to be today I was praying using the scripture then the lord lead me to your page, but I have a good new in me not knowing the lord guide me correctly so seeing this just boost my faith and believe that God is with me
Thank you sir am bless