We are endeavoring to bring a simple vision and process to the family of God at Fountain of Life. Our current ministries reflect that.
On Sunday Morning, we desire to Connect with God – We value the presence of God! We have various current ministries that assist our attendees to be able to enjoy the presence of the Lord.
Every Sunday morning, there are several ministries hard at work serving – We value engaging our gifts and serving each other:
- Praise Team
- Usher Team
- Greeters
- Nursery Staff
- Children’s Ministry
- Youth Ministry (currently meets just once a month during Sunday morning Service.
- Volunteer office Staff (that puts together our bulletins and welcome packets)
During the week, we want to Grow as Believers – We value biblical community. As a result of that we gather together to encourage one another in smaller ways. Our current ministries that encourage biblical community are:
Here at the church:
- Sunday Morning Bible Connect at 9:30 am
- Midweek Study on the Book of Revelation
- Midweek Children’s ministry
- Celebrate Recovery
Outside of the church we also meet in homes.
- Women’s Connect
- Small Groups
Other ministry teams come together just occasionally
- Evangelism team that shares their faith and knocks on doors
- Drama Team that helps Pastor Bob with Illustrated Sermons and special events
- Building Maintenance Team that takes care of areas of the physical plant
What current ministry would you like to be a part of?

The business of life and the complications of our culture can sometimes stand in opposition to our people being involved in current ministries. That is why we here at Fountain of Life believe in ministry teams. When someone is a part of a ministry team they have the rest of the team to encourage them and pray for the success and blessing of God in their ministries. As the old Acronym for TEAM says Together Each Accomplishes More. We thank God for faithful and dedicated servant leaders who have assisted in the ministry here at Fountain of Life. Some have been faithful for many years and they are the heart and backbone of this church.
We are looking for you to be a part of a ministry team! So come to Fountain of Life and get involved in one of our current ministries.