In this article I want to share with you how spiritual warfare from your spiritual enemy can block the answer to your prayers. Have you ever felt like something was blocking your prayers? It feels as if there is something or someone that is between us and God and our prayers don’t get to him or our answers don’t get to us. There is some truth to that feeling. It is not that your prayers don’t get to God, it is that your enemy attempts to block the answer getting to you!
Daniel 10:12-14 “Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.”
This passage has been for many years a primer to get God’s people to understand the spiritual world. It is a powerful lesson that is given to us that teaches us about prayer and what happens as a result of it. It teaches us about the spiritual world.
Daniel had seen a vision having to do with his people in the latter days. And Daniel prayed and asked God to give him spiritual understanding. He set his heart to understand. But Daniel did not receive any answer for 21 days. For 21 days he waited on the answer. For 21 days he fasted and prayed. He was unaware of what was going on in the spiritual world, until God revealed it to him through this spiritual messenger that was sent to Daniel.
Here is what was happening while Daniel was waiting: The angelic being who brought to Daniel this message from God had been in a powerful battle or fight with another spiritual being. The scripture identifies that demonic principality as the prince of the king of Persia. This was not a human being or natural prince or king, this was a spiritual being. The description of the being before him was supernatural. The end result was that the prince of Persia was powerful enough to withstand this angelic messenger sent by God to Daniel with the answer to his prayers. But by Daniel not giving up in seeking God, he was able to see God bring him the answer. In fact, this Word says that Michael (an archangel) had come to help the angelic being bringing him the answer and that they had prevailed. But it took 21 days to get his prayer answered.
Daniel is an example to us to pray and to never give up so that we also can see victory in spiritual warfare!
So here is what we learn from this passage.
- God immediately hears our prayers and dispatches the answer.
- Spiritual beings will attempt to block those prayers.
- It is possible for us to prevail in prayer if we will not give up but fast and pray until the answer came.
I am interested in equipping you with spiritual understanding from the Word that will allow you to get your prayers answered.
We have to understand the reality of the spiritual world and spiritual warfare.
There are many Christians who would prefer to live their lives without thinking about demons, and spiritual powers and these types of things. They are unaware that the subtle pull toward sin is caused be demonic forces that are tempting them. They are unaware that angels are present on our planet.
Most modern-day believers don’t want to think that there is a real spiritual being by the name of Lucifer who heads up a demonic army. He is called the devil, your adversary, a dragon, and he is real.
The truth is that a battle is being fought in the heavenlies and you a part of it as you pray.
This article is a call to every intercessor who believes God answers prayer to pray to a place of complete victory. This article is a call to arms. Pick up your sword soldier of God! Pick up your shield! Get ready to fight. Put your armor on! And as we do so we understand that God will bring victory.
We are assured of that because the Word says, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” The Word says, “no weapon formed against you shall prosper.” The Word says, “Christ always leads us in triumphal procession.”
Ephesians 6 reiterates everything I have been saying: We live in a spiritual world and are in a battle. Ephesians 6:12 “or we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” This verse tells us plainly that our enemy is not people. Our enemy has to do with the fallen angels who have become demonic forces in our world. Our enemy is the spirit of antichrist in the world today. Our enemy is the powers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. We wrestle against them. I don’t fight against the adulterer, the homosexual, or the drug pusher. The devil who has lied to them, deceived them is my enemy.
As we study all of the Word, we are going to gain an accurate picture of what the true spiritual world is like. Way back in the book of Genesis 28:12-13 Jacob had a dream. It was more than a dream. It was a divine revelation into the supernatural world that reveals to us how that world works. Genesis 28:12-13 “Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it and said: “I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants.”
God revealed to Jacob that God and his angels were active in the earth. As the angels ascend I believe they carry the prayers of Gods people. As the descend they carry the answers, they carry the blessings.
I don’t know what that ladder looks like in the spiritual world, but I do know that but I do know that angels still bring to us the blessings of God. In the New Testament in the book of Hebrews 1:14 NIV “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Complete salvation is our inheritance. Since that is true, hen there are angelic beings, ministering spirits that that are sent to serve us. You may not even be aware of their presence.
But how in the world did you avoid that accident last week? It wasn’t your superior driving skill, it may have been the angelic forces all around you. How did you receive spiritual strength? Could it have been that angels ministered to you? Why was it that your neighbors house was broke into and yours wasn’t? Could it be that the Word is true and God has angels encamped around those that fear him? We must come to the place where we believe in the reality of the spiritual world.
Even Jesus received strength and was ministered to by angelic forces. Luke 22:43 “ Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him.” If Jesus, the Son of the Living God received strength from angelic beings what makes us think that we do not?
Acts 12:1-11 there is the remarkable story of Peter being delivered from prison. It is a story of a church that prevailed in prayer. During those days, Herod was persecuting the church, and so he arrested Peter. He put four squads of soldiers over him to guard him. His goal was to bring him out before the people during the Passover to have him executed. It is obvious that Satan was behind all of this. Behind the scenes was a demonic principality and power. Satan’s goal was to destroy the early church. Peter was one of the key leaders. Peter was the one who stood up on Pentecost and powerfully preached the gospel and 3000 were converted. It was Peter and John whom God had used to heal the lame man at the gate beautiful. Satan wanted to stop them.
I am sure that Herod thought that this was his idea. But Herod was really just a giant puppet. It was satanic forces pulling the strings. You can see the spiritual warfare going on. You can see in this spiritual warfare that the church and prayer had a part in it. Acts 12:5 says “ Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”
This passage in the New Testament corresponds to Daniel 10. Just like Daniel was engaged in prayer, waiting for the answer, even so the church must engage in prayer. Just like in Daniel the answer wasn’t immediate, but at the right time God sent an angel.
Peter was on the inside of the prison, bound with two chains to different guards, and there were more guards on the outside of the prison. God sent an angel and he said, get up and put your shoes on, get dressed and follow me. The chains fell off of him. The prison doors opened by themselves and they walked out. As soon as he got outside the prison, the angel disappeared. This was Peters testimony:
Acts 12:11 “And when Peter had come to himself, he said, “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.”
As we do God will cause that the blockage to the answer will be removed and we will receive the answer to our prayers!
In conclusion, If God sent an angel with a message of understanding to Daniel. If God sent an angel to set Peter free from prison and opened up locked doors. If Jacob saw a ladder that sat on the earth and reached into the heavens and angels ascending and descending. If Jesus was ministered to by angelic beings. If we are in a spiritual battle with demonic forces. Don’t you think that God has angels ready to defeat the Satanic forces that have been blocking your prayers?
All the way through the book of Genesis you read of angels. All the way through the book of Revelation, you read of angels. Could it be that angelic being are waiting to be given there assignment to bring you’re the answer and overcome the blockage the enemy has created. Could it be that the spiritual world is waiting for you to pray and for us to engage ourselves like Daniel or the early church.
It says that in the early church constant prayer was offered to God. It says, Daniel waited and fasted and prayed for 21 days.
If you are a believer, you must prevail in prayer. Please leave a comment on this website, and I will join with you in this spiritual warfare. It is time to engage the enemy! It is time for the church to pick up the authority God has given her and resist the devil. I can assure you he will flee.
Prayer is a powerful weapon. Use it.
Hi Bob,
I found this this topic very encouraging,
I am married nearly five years and we have had our struggles and difficulties but I love my wife dearly. Tonight for example we were out walking with our two beautiful children and it seems like out of nowhere an argument erupted.
At this moment while my wife is in bed early to avoid me I decided to read Daniel 10 as we brushed off it in a bible study class on Monday. I feel it is like a demonic attack when an argument errupts out of the blue and they become so hurtful for both of us. We got married late in life I believe God brought us together, I am now 50 and my wife is 42 . I know God blessed me with my wife because I had given up completely on ever falling in love and when we met I felt like a teenager again. In my younger days I was lost in the world and waisted many years but God has given me back all the years that the locusts have eaten. But I do feel we come under attack and we push each other away so I am going to pray right now for protection and forgiveness and for Gods love to fill our hearts . I know now I need the Lord more than I ever have before and I want him more in our life’s . I need to begin to pray more and put God first .
Sorry for spilling my heart and thank you for your heart for God.
Yours sincerely
Paul cahill
Thanks for your feedback and or your story. I will be praying for you and your family. It sounds like you are on track. God bless you brother.
Pastor Bob,
The spirit moved me as I read your encouraging words. Praise God. I am standing for my marriage and have not seen an answer to my pleading for restoration. I know and believe that God will restore my marriage. I am a bring again Christian and my wife is not. I hope you can join me in prayer untill my wife come back home. Prodigals do come home. I felt that my prayers were not being answered for it has been a year that she left. I had a feeling that my prayers are not being answered. This gives me a better understanding of what I need to do.
Prayers! Bob
Hi Paul,
I hope you and your wife are now happily married. Please give us an update if you can.
God bless you brother
This discussion was encouraging and I wanted some one to help me understand,this I needed this recognizing from a ministering point and really not recognizing what and how the holy Ghost works having you to tapping into what spiritual warfare is.i was praying and I could not release the word I reciting in prayer and I realized that it was the enemy fighting against me through principalities for that it wanted me not to pray.thats when i recognized Daniel was fought in prayer through by principalities.
Hi Bob
Thank you. This message has made me understand why we are called to pray and fast.
I am glad you enjoyed the article. Please visit us again. Bob
Very encouraging…I’m blessed
God bless you
It was not a coincidence for me to bump into this page, the Holy Ghost led me. Thank you for the revelation. May the good Lord bless you.
Praise God and may the Lord continue to guide you by His Spirit
I felt encouraged to be reminded of Daniel 10 vs 12 -14.I really needed to hear this again.Iam going through a rough experience especially financially for 6 years now.I have been praying about it but maybe I should wear my armour now.Thank you for sharing
Thanks Helen, your comment encourages me. God bless you!
Very encouraging read. Have prayed over & over regarding our business especially for the right staff & us to reach out targets but it’s been very difficult God have mercy upon us.
*Please pray for our business to succeed (stable & consistent)
*That we find the right staff who are loyal, skilled, productive, reliable, focused.(who will give long term service,)
*For the business to be profitable & be a big blessing to the family & community
“All our children to grow up in the ways of God. & for them to thrive in character a academically.
*God’s protection upon our marriage.(Godly legacy)
I have prayed over your requests. Stay strong and encouraged as you stand in faith. God will grant wisdom. thanks for reading my article. Bob
I came your article today. Thank you for insights. Pls stand w/me in prayer for a love one battling mental illness.
Father in Jesus name we stand together in faith for complete healing of this person who is in this battle against mental illness. I pray for courage strength and faith for Gerald.
Indeed i feel very inspired and challenged not to joke with my prayer life.thank you very much.God bless you and grant you the grace to soar higher.
Thanks for your comment!
Very encouraging! I have been praying for a change in job since 2010, God through his marvelous works granted me scholarship for an MBA in 2013. I completed in 2015 and have since been praying that for a job for myself and my wife.
I had a feeling that something is blocking the answer to my prayer. That made me search and I came to this article.
Thanks for the assurance and encouragement that God is still in control.
I believe Micheal has been sent to relieve the angel bringing answers for o my family job problems.
Praise be to God. Amen?
Thanks for sharing! we will be praying with you!
Whilst praying My daughter was lead to open to Daniel 10 and give it to me to read. As a family we are going through an extremely difficult season. My partner of 17 years has left and it would seem that there is constant conflict between us. It’s as though she has been transformed into someone that both the kids and I don’t know or understand. She walked out on the family kids included at a time when after many years of being in the world I realized how much I truly love her and asked her to marry me. I was at my lowest and turned to and gave my heart to the Lord. I have been praying and started a family pray group with the kids morning and evenings. I’m steadfast in my commitment to my creator the Lord God almighty, my prayer life is consistent and strong. It would however seem that all manner of calamity is hurled my way. Please remember my family and I in prayer. We praying that God restores our family by her returning. I stand on God’s promises in proverbs 18 v 22. To God be all the praise and glory. Extremely inspired.
We are praying with you for your situation. Remember, the most important thing is that you stand strong in the Lord for the kids sake. Find a good bible believing church in your area. You need some people around you as do the kids that can love you and encourage you. God is with you. He hears your prayers!
Hi Bob, thank you for sharing this. God has called me to be a prayer warrior without doubt but some things happened in church that turned my heart away from God and His church. I have now come back to Him and am serving in His church and even leading again, but I feel that I have thrown away the call to prayer and I focus more on doing than praying. God has shown me this, and I believe I am walking in a spirit of witchcraft by “doing” rather than praying, and slowly leading others in the same way. While I talk the talk with them, I do not walk the walk, and as a leader that is a dangerous thing and I will be accountable for souls! Please help me pray that God would restore the spirit of prayer in me and send His angels to fight demonic forces that prevent me from doing so or cause me to believe that prayer has less power and does not work. I am good at doing but the engine of the Holy Spirit through prayer is not in it, and that simply will not work or last! Thank you! Kim
Thank you for sharing that with me. I too have went through some seasons where I did not pray as much as I should, we all must simply reignite that passion. I have found the best way for that is to get into his presence through worship. Once there, prayer becomes less of a duty and more of a delight. God bless you and your ministry Kim
I am one of those modern Christians who never believed in spiritual warfare and demons etc. My mother in law mentioned it last night but I rolled my eyes. A series of sneezes woke me up at 4am this morning and I decided to google what she “prince of Persia” as she mentioned and this article came up. I’ve learnt something new. I’m so grateful to God for using you like this. God bless you. I will prevail in prayer!
It sounds like God is getting ready to use you in mighty ways Lola! Be encouraged all of heaven is at your side!
Amen Bishop..I have been praying for a while now, praying for the church I have started this ministry preaching the massage of Christ but the is no growth and no change people comes and leave..this have broke I am lazy to as I was reading searching about Daniel ?? I have came across with this article.. and it restored what I thought is lost inside of me. May Good God bless you..I will continue to call upon the name of Jesus of Nazareth the name that is highly exulted
I am glad that the article touched you. God Bless you. Keep the faith. God will bring the revival you hope for.
I would love to talk to you about the book of Daniel!!
I would love to talk to you as well, however I am a bivocational pastor and dont have a lot of time to do so.
Please find a bible believing pastor and build a relationship.
Thank you for this powerful message, i believe in all angelic power to free us from demonic principalities and schemes, i am encouraged God bless you.
Thank you sir, May God bless you!
Hi Bob,
I’ve been dealing with an illness for almost 4 months now and I am certain along with all the other believers in my life that this illness that’s defied all my doctors and medical logic is spiritual warfare. It’s taken quite a toll on my body. I wanted to read in the Bible about Daniel’s angel being hindered by the Prince of Persia for some spiritual strength. I googled the verse and found this article. It was very uplifting. Thank you. Please pray for me that God will continue to give me patience, strength, and courage and that when He is ready, I will be delivered from this demonic illness. I would certainly join you in any prayers you and your family need. God bless you.
Chris, I am glad that you found my article and that the Word of God encouraged you. Jesus is your source of strength and patience. I prayed for you today that God would send his healing power to you, in the mighty name of Jesus!
Keep up the fight. You will prevail.
Just came across your powerful article. Thank you for being spirit led and bringing awareness to us as believers. For a moment I thought I’d lost my power as a child of God, this article gave clear instructions on how to claim back my power. Please help me pray for my businesses and for my finances I have a deep desire to grow in business and help others through it, it’s been quite the battle but I believe God is busy doing a new thing.
Thanks for reading my article. I am glad that it encouraged you! I will pray for your business and finances. Bob
Hi Bob,what about those who give up simply because they don’t know,or understand spiritual discipline like you rightfully said and i qoute
“Daniel is an example to us to pray and to never give up so that we also can see victory in spiritual warfare!
So here is what we learn from this passage.
God immediately hears our prayers and dispatches the answer.
Spiritual beings will attempt to block those prayers.”
I’ve been stuck in valley of confusion,pain brokenness,lost money ,business and family for that reason was bitter ,angry and very sad and anger towards my calling ,could not pray for very long time if felt true valley of shadow of death like like David’s in psalm 23.
my prayers where not answered when i most needed to God through all that agonizing bitter experiences .and now that the eyes of my understanding are wide open and clear.
While understanding how prayers can be hindered by Spiritual warfare
As I was listening to Bishop Noel Jones preaching and spoke on how Daniel prayed and praised throughout delay ,
Am glad God truly restored my joy and i repented there after.
Thank you
Thabiso Malik Mokoena
South Africa
Your testimony has encouraged me. They overcame by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony! God will continue to strengthen you and draw you close. Keep the faith my friend. Thank you for your comment!
Thanksgiving to God Almighty for enabling me to search online through this site.
Also may God Himself blessed you for sharing this biblical fact online for those who are willing to seek the real spiritual warfare of God and understand how it works.
I am so glad for reading such an energetic story of Daniel and the most courage shield he put on with the spirit hope and faith followed by the spirit of not to give-up.
This biblical story has giving me the hope to preach about the story of spiritual warfare to my entire youths of today. So that they will know that God is capable of doing everything possible in ones life , I will tell the youth to pray effectively and exercise patience with God. May God guard you and richly bless you.
You can send me some topics through my e-mail.
Best regard
I really like reading about prayers, and due to this I believed that God Himself has giving me the ability to learn and to know what makes prayers more effective.
I have realized that many Christians out there keeps praying more over and over but yet some of their prayers had not yet been answered according to their wishes or requests.
The lesson from Daniel’s biblical story is one of the reason why some prayers are being kept longer as usual before answered by God
I know other several reasons why some prayers are not well answered and I think below are some points that we are to look for when praying or before we pray to God.
For example a person say a prayer in a way he or she wishes to pray to God but then he or she has forgotten how to pray and what to pray for, let look at the scene from the Bible:
Please read from your bible as well……
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14)
In this parable, a Pharisee and a tax collector went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee prayed about how good he was, but the tax collector asked for God’s mercy as he was a sinner. Jesus said that it was the tax collector who went home justified before God. He concluded, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Many Christians outside prayed exactly relating to the Pharisee’s prayer. The Pharisee did not look at how to pray and what to pray for at that period of time but rather the tax collector did just that, he considered himself with how to pray ( as he himself being a sinner) and also what to pray for ( as he prayed by asking for God’s mercy).
Most importantly, you being a Christian must consider the following when praying:
* Do not be envy when praying to God
* Do not give up just like that when your prayers are not answered
* Do not pray with wrong motives ( read from your bible James 4:3 to help you ought how to pray)
Note that: God knows you better than yourself.
Pastor I wish to join your team for sharing the word of God with them.
Thank you for reading.
so true! thanks for your comment
I am so happy to have been led to this publication. I recently wrote a post on Facebook: A prayer. It was borne out of my awareness the curse of sin and living in sin has caused humanity a lot of pain. I asked for God’s forgiveness and His mercy on my nation. Many indicated we were in agreement in crying out to God for His divine presence among us in such trying times. However, one respondent made a comment totally irrelevant to the post, as he knew that his comment could have detracted from the post. ( He claims that he does not believe in Jesus!) At one point I was tempted to reply. But immediately three words came to my mind: Hell is mad, I did not respond. Keep sharing the Word and opening our insights into what God really wants us to know. Be blessed.
Thanks for your comment! We will keep serving our Lord until He comes!
Thankyou so much for this encouragement .am so greatful.
Have been praying for a job and financial breakthrough in my life,debts are overwhelming me.
May God and His word continuously enrich your faith Stephen. Thanks for commenting
I needed this…I experience intense blockage in my life. There times I can’t think or move or feel a very heavy pressure! I just learned demons block and have learned that I need prevail in prayer. Thank you for the revelation and confirmation of waiting on the answer that’s already there. And for helping me see the battle is already taking place.
May God be with you as you fight the good fight of faith, Crystal!
Thank you, Pastor Bob for clarifying how powerful spiritual warfare is to God’s children. For over twenty years upon receiving two Masters’ degrees, I have desired to have a chemical engineering/project management permanent job. Every year, I will work for a few months, then I am out of work for the rest of the year. For eg, I have not worked since November. I am embarrassed. I lead a weekly bible study group, but put the group on hold until I could get myself “together.” Nevertheless, I have begun two businesses, which need immediate financial capital.
In Jesus’s powerful name, This cycle must be BROKEN! At 50, I have not been able to marry or have my kids, yet – due to the lack of financial stability; therefore, I am thanking God for a godly husband and Montgomery Valor and Addington Valor (kids). It’s hurts me to live in poverty and not be able to care for my aging Mother.
However, I recently interviewed two weeks for a permanent job at UPS. The HR Director shared with me that she is “waiting” on the hiring director to provide the next pertinent steps. Like Daniel, why is it taking me so long for the blessings to flow? I serve and pay my tithes in the church. I am trying so hard to fight off depression. Am I missing anything? In the meantime, I will continuously worship Our Father and THANK HIM for what He has done, is doing, and will do …for me…many thanks!
It sounds like your spirit and attitude are right! Keep on trusting. be sure to stay in close contact with those nearby such as your pastor and church friends!
Thank you Father Bob….this is so powerful, this is true that we as believers don’t know about Spiritual beings, now I will pray knowing who’s my target so that I’ll punch directly to him not on the air as Paul once said that. This article was fruitful to my Spiritual life.
Thanks for your encouragement!I am glad you enjoyed the article.
Hi Pastor Bob for the article
I am going through a very difficult times in my life with my family, my children’s 31,27,26 it seems their life is struck and I am not able to do any thing, our visas ahave expired, I lost my job and their is no way out situation, praying with faith, hoping and looking for an answer, please pray and see my be God will talk to you please let me know. From Dubai, UAE
I can just tell you that God honors those who call out to Him, one of the things I do when I am facing hard times is just to worship God for awhile and then sit quietly in his presence. His voice is a still small voice and he will speak in the quietness. Then always check what He says to make sure it lines up with God’s word. God will work things out.
I’m praying for a better job with pay and benefits to better support my son. I have degrees. I haven’t been able to find a job it’s like something always stops it from happening. Also praying for a good husband. I always seem to go through failed relationships and divorce. It’s too much. I’m fasting for breakthrough. Pls keep me in prayer. Thank you.
God will hear you! Better things are ahead!
Hi Bob
I believe I see this article at the right time. I have prayed for a marriage partner for a decade now and no answer from the Lord. On Monday 8/2/2021 I started to pray and fast for 21 days standing on Daniel chapter 10 and asking God to send me too Micheal the Arch angel to rescue me and destroy all demons that have blocked my prayers this long. I believe God has already answered my prayer.
Your article has been a blessing to me, I feel you spoke particular to me.
God bless you pastor Bob
Thank you so much for sharing with me. I thank God that He still answers prayer.
Hello Pastor Bob, I woke up asking myself this question ” what was Daniel praying for when the prince of Persia tried to stop the answer to his prayer?” And when I searched, your article came first on the list. I have read it and I believe that I have found it helpful. Thank you for the insights on this topic of angels fighting principalities in the heavenly places, However, I would be like to learn on the role of the Holy Spirit and angels in regards to this topic. May God bless you Pastor Bob.
I am glad you found it helpful. God Bless you!
God bless you servant of the Most High for the insight
Thank you.
For sure we are living in a world full of temptations and disappointments in life but i declare in Jesus name we charge war to the antichrist through prayers and for sure the enemy will feel taste of defeat in Jesus name.
Thank you Bob for putting it into perspective. Thank you for praying for me and my family. Blessings
I feel A great battle is being fought to suppress my family’s blessings. I wish To understand the realm of battle. And to understand how to pray to help in defeating the enemy.
Stay in the Word and stay praying! You will win. You are destined to overcome in Jesus name!
Thank you so much Bob, now I have a clear understanding of how prayer works and I will continue to pray
May the God of heaven answer every prayer! Bob
Good day
I am fasting for 8days and I struggle to pray Can you please pray for me to get a break through. I don’t have job and I’m under lot of stress.
Sometimes I give up during the fast. I love fasting and praying but the minute I start fasting I will be discouraged no strength but I always push on.
Please pray for me.
Thank you
Heavenly Father I pray that you would give Sesethu the strength to fast according to what you have laid on his heart. In Jesus Name. By the way, I also encourage our congregation to start fasting in a slow and methodical way. First a meal. then a day, then two days, then three days, and then longer fasts. An eight day fast is hard especially if you have never fasted. God Bless. You will win!
Hi Bob I thank you for this!
God bless you.
I prayed some pretty big prayers from a very young age and the release of my purpose keeps getting held up in the cosmos.
I could use some church supportive prayers
God bless you
I totally agree with you when you say that you could use some church supportive prayers. We were meant to live in community that is why God invented the local church. Even Paul the apostle said, pray for me! Gather people you can trust around you. Share your hopes and dreams and have them pray with you. Even Daniel had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!
Thank you Pastor Bob for sharing this message. I used to pray over a matter and stopped even without getting an answer but as for today it become clear to me that Daniel continued to pray until the messanger angel come to him, i think i have to continue to pray until i get a Yes or No answer maybe I am wrong, can you please help me to get a good and clear understanding on that.
God bless you
Thank you for your comment. It is always good to continue praying. Sometimes God says yes, sometimes no, and sometimes wait. Adopt an attitude of trust and continue in prayer and worship. Don’t worry about the outcome. God has this. Bob
Please pray for my family. I won’t post the details here but the Lord knows our need.
Thank you
Father in Jesus name, you know this persons needs and all the details of what they are going through. I pray that the same Spirit that Daniel had will encourage them in their prayers and that victory will come as the spiritual forces are rolled back by Your mighty power in Jesus name, Amen.
God bless you.
Thank you so much for this enlightening piece and confirmation of a lot of things I have been feeling. I am constantly working to break cycles that have followed my family and people around me and I believe that there is a call on my life. However, it feels like I am digging for water with a fork. God has been faithful and true throughout giving me spiritual and physical strength but it feels like my prayers are hitting a wall. There is a lack of clarity of things I pray for. It’s like there is a buffer between me and God and I am not sure how to get past it. I have promised myself and God not to give up. To stay the course until something gives. I will keep showing up. Please help me pray for any answered prayers that are held up. Thank you and God bless you.
It sounds like you have the same faith and spirit as Daniel. Keep up the fight!
Hi Bob,
Good morning, just saw this story and it ministered to my soul and situation.
I am 45 years old with no husband, no child,and currently no job, it’s as if I am stagnant I have prayed and prayed, it seems heaven is not listening, but after this piece I am going to renew my prayers and zeal for praying.
May God’s word continue to encourage you and may he send you that perfect husband and job.
Also in my family I have 2 other sisters of marriageable age, one is married over 5 years no kids, and the other no marriage she is over 40. I just want a breakthrough, a miracle a turnaround of things for good in my family.
We are just stagnant, just going through life without enjoying it.
So sorry.
Prayer is the answer. And also take steps of faith. Get out and meet people. Go to things. Talk to others. All of that is a step of faith.
Thanks for the encouraging words. I pray that God will provide a new and great job for me. I pray my relationship with God will soar to another level and that I will continue to trust Him as my Lord and Saviour.
May God bless you as you seek him.
So God was testing Daniel? If omnipotent God did not want the answer delayed, in His omnipresence he delivers it Himself. God’s empowers His angels as is necessary to accomplish His will.
Interesting thought. Thank you for your comment.
Please pray my family. We have had one “emergency” after another in our household..costing thousands..we are drained without reserves. We also are owed about 10k in tax refunds for over a yrs now. It feel that we are being attacked financially and emotionally constantly. I am just starting to get my prayer life in order. And we are fasting. Please pray with us..I know there is an end and a blessing in this
Sometimes getting out of debt is a spiritual battle. I will pray for you. Remember that true riches consist in having Jesus Christ. I would also try to use every available strategy to get out of debt. God Bless
I am truly bless i must say
You explain this chapter clearly to me thank you very much sir the lord grant you grace and strength to serve him more.
I am Zachariah Yechenu Sabo from Nigeria a 300 level student of the Bible in Nigeria the name of the school is Ecwa theological seminary Jos jets thank you Daddy you bless my life.
So glad to have encouraged you in some small way in your study of Gods word. May God bless you in your ministry sir.
Am so encouraged to see that this article is helping so many people praise God that the truth is out there and now it’s reached me
Thanks for your encouragement! Bob
Thank you so much for this insight. I have been lost lately after a big disappointment and once was such a prayer warrior. This disappointment knocked me off my feet a bit and made me really question the need for prayer as Gods will is Gods will and ultimately it will be done. So though I know we should be praying for Gods will in every situation, this was enough to get me to question my faith and hope in Christ when it pertains to the desires of my heart. God owes me nothing and a realization that maybe certain things aren’t in his will, was a big reality check. It wasn’t so much a lack of faith as much as it was a realization that maybe what I want, he doesn’t. I have to be willing to accept that. Anyway, this circle of thought has given me pause and my heart has not been into prayer or even coming to him with anything. I sort of gave up. Lost my way. Unsure why we even pray and why it even matters. So thank you for the reminder. If you don’t mind. Please pray for my faith, my willingness to follow him places that I am unsure of, to trust his plan even if it doesn’t look like anything that my heart has desired, and to help me desire the things he desires and to align my will with his? Sorry I know that’s a lot. I just want my heart to be in the right place. Thank you! ~Manda
I am praying for you Manda. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with me.
Thank you for following the lead of the Father. Please pray for my family and for my school.
I am praying for your family and school and that God would hear your cry! In Jesus name.
Thank you Pastor Bob, Please I’ll like you to join me in prayer against marital delay for me and my siblings. God kept telling me He has done it, but something is delaying it. I’m also praying for perfect health for my mum and Dad in Jesus name, Amen.
God bless you Pastor.
I spent some time praying for you! May God grant your hearts desires. Bob
I left an abusive relationship and took the kids with me only for the court to turn around and give the kids back to him. My ex filed a restraining order on my current partner and I am unable to see my kids but for a few hours of visitation. I have been through endless litigation and I am in very deep debt. This article was so encouraging and I have come closer to God in this time. My heart is very heavy and I would appreciate prayer. But God is good all the time and I have been very blessed. Praise be to God, our Father who never leaves us in our hour of grief and trial! To Him be the glory!
I am so sorry for all that has happened to you. Please stand strong in the Lord, find a good bible teaching church and become a part of it, and keep praying. God will see you through.
If you call upon him he will answer have patience, don’t be afraid of the evil day but stand strong in the Lord for he alone is HOLY He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Calvary greetings sir…
Pls have been waiting on the Lord for his will maritally…He has told me it’s been settled but obviously it seems some household enemies has tactfully stood thier ground that it won’t happen…Pls remember me in prayers…that before my next birthday…It will happen in accordance to God’s will like it was told me in Jesus name..Amen
Praying for you my friend. God Bless, Bob
Thank you for this word! I needed this today. I have been desperate for answers as to why my prayers seem to go unanswered. This has reaffirmed my faith.
Thank you so much. Keep fighting the good fight!
Dear brother and Pastor thank you very much for this article .
I am a believer in Africa.
I see clearly from your article that it s spiritual beings against whom we are fighting.
In Africa there is stories of evils peoples and witches sending bad things as sickness leading to death on people.
Pastor can you enlighten me on this subject or witches and witchcraft and how they can harm people.because here it is still demons but using evil people by witchcraft.
There is too much confusion and stories on this subject.
I will really appreciate your biblical help.
God bless you.
This message was powerful. I am definitely in a Spiritual Warfsre right now. I am believing that the ANGELIC HOSTS of God Almighty will completely heal me from all Sickness, Afflictions and Infirmities.
Please touch and agree with me Pastor Bob. God bless….
Standing in agreement! In Jesus name. Bob
Thanks Pastor deeper understanding. God bless you.
I humblly request for an article on different Angels and there duties in spiritual warfare.
I will appreciate so much.
I never have studied that much. We all need to dig in.
I am deeply seeking God and help from the Holyspirit but sometimes I am weak. Please stand with me in prayer. This is the first time I am fasting (7 days). Am on my fourth day. Please pray with me. Pray for my broken marriage (I am 25) wife Cheated on me 3 times and I had to separate from her but we have two kindly
God will hear your prayer and work things out according to His perfect plan. Yes, I praying with you.
Powerful article on spiritual warfare and prevailing in prayers for supernatural deliverance by God sent by angels.
An article about our POWERFUL God!