How to choose your husband or wife is one of the essential questions many people ask themselves. If you are a believer in Christ and are considering looking for a spouse or are engaged, this article is for you. The person you marry is one of the determining factors in who you become and your happiness in life, that is why the Bible has a lot to say on this question.
I have five essential questions that you have got to answer for yourself. Each question deals with the subject of how to choose your husband or wife. No one can answer these for you. But I can assure you that if you will take this outline and consider it deeply, it will profoundly affect your decision about the person you are to marry or not marry.
The first question is:
- Am I willing to follow the Word of God or am I going to follow Hollywood as I select a marriage partner?
If you want a rock-solid marriage you have to build your marriage on the rock. How to choose a husband or wife begins for Christians on deciding to follow God. As a believer in Jesus, you need to build your life on the Rock Christ Jesus and not on the sinking sands of modern culture and thinking. Following Hollywood’s ideas of dating and marriage is building your life on the sinking sands. However, if you follow the Word of God, if you hear the sayings of Jesus and do them, you will build your life as a wise person and your home and marriage will survive the storms of life. The wisdom of how to choose your husband and wife comes from these words of Jesus:
Matthew 7:24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
You can be easily influenced in a wrong way just by living in the culture you live in. Believe it or not most of us have been influenced by the popular culture. Hollywood influences American culture in a very powerful way as it relates to this subject of dating and marriage. Here are some things to consider:
- How many love songs have you heard in your life? Probably thousands!
- How many tv programs have you watched dealing with dating and marriage? Hundreds!
- How many movies have you seen that promote Hollywood’s ideas rather than God’s ideas? Lots!
Hollywood’s idea of how to choose your husband or wife is to allow emotion alone to be the supreme factor in this decision of who you marry. Hollywood’s process is that you “fall in love.” When you find that person, something will just snap and you will just know. How do I choose a husband or wife? It’s the way they walk or look or talk. A brief look or gesture may be enough. You may not know their name, or their character, but you are in love.
In Sleepless in Seattle, all Tom Hanks needs is his little boy to get on the radio and tell the nation the sad story of his father’s life, and Meg Ryan knows she is in love with this man. When they finally meet up on top of the empire state building, all it takes is two strangers looking at each other and they are in love.
While it makes a wonderful romantic comedy, the chances of a marriage like that working out in real life are highly improbable. So, let’s call it what it is. It’s a lie. It is ridiculous. That is not how to choose your husband or wife.
According to our pop culture’s concept of love, you can sing, “Hello I love you will you tell me your name?” with a straight face. You know it’s love because you have ooey gooey feelings and electrical pulses all over your body. Unfortunately, your IQ drops about thirty points when you fall in love. I mean love makes you crazy. You do things you would have never done. It’s all so emotional…it’s got to be real because you feel it. Yet, isn’t this the way that the culture says you find love? You meet someone, you fall in love, and then you put your hopes dreams and life in a feeling.
Love is a decision that one makes, not how you feel. I am not saying that feelings never accompany love. But love based just on feelings will lead you to making a mistake. The greatest love ever demonstrated was Christ love for us on the cross. We know that was about His decision to obey not his feelings.
If you follow the Word and not your feelings, you will be so much better prepared to make a solid decision under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
The second question is…
2. Is this person a a true believer in Christ?
As a pastor, I have asked people when they start dating someone if they are a believer. More than not, they will say, yes, he goes to such and such a church. Or, their family is religious. Or he believes in God. I am not asking that question. The question is are they a true believer in Jesus? I don’t mean did they once say a prayer. I don’t mean to the acknowledge a higher power up there somewhere. The question is Have they been born again. This is a critical concept in how to choose your husband or wife.
A born-again believer doesn’t act like the world. He will be easy to spot by the fruit that he bears. The scripture plainly says, 2 Corinthians 6:14 “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?” A Christian is not supposed to marry someone who is an unbeliever. I do my very best as a pastor not to perform a marriage like that because it against the word.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Does this person ever read the bible?
- Do they go to church?
- Do they listen to godly music?
- Do they pray?
- Do they talk about their relationship with God?
- Here is the big one…have they repented of their sin? Is there life changed?
I am not saying they have to be perfect in all aspects. Here is a great diagnostic question to ask on the first date: How has your life changed because you have become a believer? If they don’t have an answer, maybe it’s time not to continue on dating that person. Don’t even go on a date with someone who isn’t a Christian. Here is why? You may fall in love with them. Be cautious! Put God’s Word first. Feeling in love is not enough of a reason to violate the commandment of God. Even if your feelings are tied up in the other person, if you feel in love, if that person isn’t a real Christian you don’t want to marry them.
If you do, one of three things will happen.
- Your faith will be marginalized. In order to please that spouse, you will have to push things off to the side that if you married a believer you wouldn’t have to. Things like participation in church activities, missions, tithing, small groups, bible study, prayer. You will have to marginalize your faith to please them.
- The second scenario is that your spouse who is not a believer will have to marginalize what they think is important in life in order to please you. They may end up resenting the fact that you can’t go or won’t go to certain types of events and places. They may resent the fact that you go to church or spend time with other believers.
- The marriage may break up because of it. Some people think, it could never happen. Don’t believe it. It does happen.
Well, couldn’t it be that I win them to Christ? I know some people who got married and later the unbeliever became a Christian and it’s all okay now. That is not wisdom and the Bible addresses this in 1 Corinthians 7:16 “ For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?” The truth is you do not know if they will come to faith in Christ.
Who wants that kind of marriage? A marriage where values clash, where there is stress over moral issues, and where the one who is supposed to encourage your faith, actually discourages your faith.
Make sure they are really a born-again believer! That doesn’t mean you a guaranteed a perfect life. But it is a good foundation, a good to place to start.
3. What do those who are closest to me say?
Proverbs 15:22 “Without counsel, plans go awry, But in the multitude of counselors they are established.”
I am not saying that as an adult you need your mom and dad’s permission for everything in life. But sometimes listening to your parents can save you a lot of grief. Sometimes, listening to a pastor or other mature believer can really help you. God gave us two ears and one mouth. That means we are to listen. If every around you is objecting to the relationship, maybe they can see something that you are blind to or just refuse to see.
Sometimes it is just that the timing is wrong. That is one of the great problems in our world today. Our culture promotes boyfriends and girlfriends in sixth and seventh grades. They aren’t ready for that. Don’t be in a hurry! There are going to be plenty of opportunities.
In fact, prepare yourself to be a good husband or wife by getting all the education you can. It makes life easier when money is not quite so tight. Children and raising a family are expensive. Those who rush into it often struggle financially. So prepare yourself by listening to Godly counsel.
How to choose your husband or wife is a daunting task.
So why take it on alone? And whatever you do, don’t go looking just for someone to agree with you. There will always be someone who will see it your way. Listen to the other side, pray about it, and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
4. Have I looked close enough to see the real person?
I read some time ago that a panel of women debated on who they thought was the perfect man. You’d have thought it might be famous actor or wealthy tycoon. But the final conclusion of this panel was that the Perfect Man was actually Mr. Potato Head. Their reasoning: He’s tan. He’s cute. He knows the importance of accessorizing. And if he looks at another girl, you can rearrange his face.
In all seriousness, don’t be deceived by good looks. Don’t be deceived by the handsome smile, or the sexy body. Get to know the real person. I knew my wife Jureen very well before we got married. We dated each other for three years. This year we celebrate 40 years of marriage.
I could give a questionnaire a mile long:
- What kind of a worker are they?
- Are they honest?
- Do they lie?
- Are they flirtatious with others?
- Are they addicted to something?
- Do they break the law?
- Are they moody?
- Are they happy?
- Are they a chronic griper?
- Can they cook?
- Do they leave the dishes in the sink for weeks?
- Do they have a clean room?
There is a little poem I memorized years ago
Don’t kiss your gal by the backyard gate
Love is blind, but the neighbors aint.
That is a silly poem. But it brings out a powerful truth! Love is blind BEFORE you get married. After you get married, the blinders come off. How to choose your husband or wife includes inspecting the fruit they have produced in life. Someone may say, “Well I don’t want to judge.” This is not about being a critical ugly judge and making a list of someone’s faults to berate them. This is about seeing if the person is who you think they are. Matthew 7:16a “You will know them by their fruits.”
There is no such thing as buyer’s remorse in marriage. You can’t take them back to Wal Mart and get your money back. You can’t trade them in for a new model. You are making a covenant between God you and your spouse.
For better or worse.
For richer or poorer
In sickness and health
Till death do you part.
Go into marriage eyes wide open.
Can I give you some reasons that do not mean you have to get married? Many have gotten married because of the following reasons when really they shouldn’t have.
- Just because a person is pregnant by someone doesn’t mean they should get married.
- Just because you have lived together doesn’t mean you should get married.
- Just because you have been intimate doesn’t mean you should get married.
By the way, living together is wrong according to the Bible. Sexual relations are reserved for those who legally get married.
5. Is my judgment being clouded by sex?
If you are having sex before you are married, you are allowing yourself to be swayed by the current culture and your own desires. And it will cloud your decision.
Let me illustrate how deceptive the world’s definition of “love” can be. Picture a young couple who has been dating for a few weeks. It isn’t long before this young man tells his girlfriend how much he loves her and how difficult it is to keep his hands off her. Pressing her to engage in a physical relationship, he explains that he “loves her so much” he can no longer restrain himself. The truth is, any young woman who hears that line should realize that the young man doesn’t love her too much… he loves her too little. Actually, he’s not thinking about her. He’s only thinking about himself. He would never rob innocence and purity from one he truly loves. His insistence on a physical relationship only proves one thing: he loves himself much more than he loves her.
Sex can cloud the waters to the degree that you can’t think straight. People take this way too lightly in our culture. But the Word of God takes it as something very serious.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
Sex produces a bond between two people. It is a strong bond. That is why God said to reserve it for marriage. I have also heard this in my time as pastor: “Well, we were going to get married anyway pastor. We just got overcome by our passions and flesh.” Well, okay, get married then. But don’t live in a perpetual state of sinning against your own body.
There are consequences to premarital sex. Understand that when you have sex before marriage, the amount of trust you have in the person after marriage is less. And the amount of trust they have in you is less, because if they will be immoral with you, doesn’t it seem possible that could be immoral with others.
It’s time we get back to bible standards. Sometimes you need to cool things down! Stop and evaluate your life.
The question of how to choose a husband or wife is not an easy one. But the Word of God give us all the direction we need. My prayer for you is that you would find the man or woman God wants you to marry. If you have questions about your life or need prayer, please leave a comment. God bless you!
Please pray that God gives me a Godly husband.
Thank you!
I will, Father I ask that you would move mountains and allow Catherine to find the husband she needs. You know how we are created, with a desire for companionship, so bring that husband to her in Jesus name. Thanks Catherine for reading my post!
please pray for me. I just got of a 6 year relationship were God did not ordain for me. I put it above God and he left to marry someone else. I just pray that my heart, actions and thoughts will align again with the biblical truth. That I will be obedient to Gods word.
I pray that God will grant you a willing heart to sustain your love and commitment to God. God is faithful and He will do it!
Very insightful article for aperson like me waiting on God for a purpose partner .
I am praying for you that God will bring the right purpose partner for you soon. Bob
Pastor please pray for my son,Liam to find a good wife. Thank you
Glad you enjoyed the article! Bob
Nice article,please should I go ahead with a relationship where the guy demands me to borrow him money when he is it a wrong signal to take note of as I am not yet married to him.
I would be very cautious. Before God gave Adam a wife, he had a job. just saying.
Please Father, am searching for a wife and I live in a country where I don’t wanna really marry from. I need a lady from my own country. My question please how do I know the person God has appointed for me.
I have been praying about this seriously for directions or for God to help me so that I don’t accept to what people recommend. Thank you
I think the best way is to really get to know the person, and see if their values line up with your values. Trust God to lead you! You are his son, and God will show you who is to be your wife.
I’m asking , is it not setting up idol? Thinking you can’t marry from another country because they are evil, what if you find the righteous person in that same country?
I am in a relationship for almost two years.I still can’t discern if god has chosen him as my marriage partner. Please Pray to God that God may grant me the grace to know his will regarding my marriage partner and help me to discern his will about it.
I am praying for you. Trust God to show you! Get quiet and allow that still small voice to speak.
The man I want to marry suddenly start misbehaving, believing there is more time,and the he is going to do things the way he wants it,no body can talk to him.He also said that he wants to gether planty money before which all come up two months to the traditional 38year now please guide me
To marry someone who is showing his true self in this way is more than likely a mistake. Please get counsel from your local pastor or a spiritual believer with who you can talk.
This article gave me direction and made me ask myself some tough questions. May God bless you for sharing this with us pastor Bob.
I am a 31 year old woman, I accepted Christ as my personal savior six years ago and I decided then that I would stop dating men and start dating God. I have been single since then and I have come to know the freedom of walking with Christ and the great responsibility that comes with it. For we have been created not to be self-serving but rather to serve Him.
Six years later, after much introspection and time with God I have warmed up to the idea of finding a partner as I have a desire to have a family of my own someday, God willing. I am currently in courtship with a 36 year old man who lives in another country. In many ways I believe the distance has been a blessing as it has allowed for many important conversations and discussions to happen betwen him and I. It has also eliminated the obvious temptations that come with being in each others physical presence. We have been talking (countless video calls) for 10 months now and there have been ups and downs. The downs have been the kind of downs that lead to growth and not to distruction. Which I really appreciate. He is a good communicator and a person who follows through with his word through actions.
He grew up in a Christian family however he is new to the true Christian walk. What I mean by this is that he has just recently dedicated himself to renewing his faith and building a real relationship with Christ. I see he has a genuine zeal and thirst for God’s word. He has a heart for God, he is taking the necessary steps to build a closer relationship with God however he is still stuck in old/bad habits. By bad habits I mean smoking. Smoking marijuana. This isn’t a once in a while kind of thing, he does it daily and since covid happened he has been working from home so he does it more often.
We’ve had several ongoing open conversations about this and I have made my stance clear on this matter from the get-go. I do not see myself raising children around this habit. I think he genuinely understands that he needs to quit. Not for my sake or for this relationship to work but more so for his own sake and for his own relationship with God. However I see he is struggling with it and I don’t think he’s open to the idea of seeking help. Although he says he wants to quit I’ve noticed he still holds very “pro-Marijuana” thoughts and views. What I mean by this is that he sees it as something natural/herbal, with benefits, something that grows from the earth and thus “God-given” etc. The typical pro-Marijuana argument held by many.
I have prayed on this and I generally feel at peace with this person in the other aspects of who he is and what he stands for. However, I know for sure that this will become a deal breaker if it doesn’t stop. This would be a real pity but I have had more than my share of life lessons to understand that emotions should not guide my decisions. So it is safe to say that I am of sound mind right now despite my feelings for this person. I want what God wants for me more than what I want for myself. So I pray that His will be done in this matter and not my will. And I pray God delivers him from this habit for his own sake.
Apologies for the long back story but I felt like I had to give some context before asking my questions. I would appreciate guidance on the following questions:
– how can I be more supportive in this process?
– We all fall short of the glory of God, and we are all a constant work in progress so how does one pick and choose which traits/habits are acceptable or something that one can work through and which traits/habits aren’t?
I would be so thankful for some guidance. Thank you and God bless you.
I do not know you and certainly do not know this man that you are speaking of. I have a couple of things to counsel you in. First, you need to have people who are near and dear to you at your church or ministry where you serve to be able to speak into your life. Sometimes we fear what others might say, especially those who are close to us. But if they are true brothers and sisters in the Lord, they will speak the truth to you. The second thing is that it seems at the outset that you two are not “equally yoked” in your commitment to Christ. While this verse primarily speaks to the Christian Non Christian aspect, I don’t know if you would be happy in the long run with a man who is obviously not on your spiritual level. You yourself said this was a deal breaker. Having worked in recovery programs for a long while this habit of marijuana is not easy to break especially when there is rationale to continue. Thirdly, without sounding like I am judging this man, is it possible he is just looking for a way into the USA? I know this has happened in the past. I never tell people what they should do as I am not God, but I would definitely seek more counsel in regard to this person. In my opinion, your relationship would be rocky.
I pray God will give you wisdom.
Please pray for me to make the right choice according to THE WORD OF GOD and by the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT and thanks becuse it’s hard knowing that I have to make a serious desison and no one can make it for me.
Lord I pray for Candice today as she makes this decision. You said that if we ask for wisdom that you will give it. Give her wisdom. Wisdom that comes from your Word. She is your daughter. Lead her by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen
Hi Bob, do spouses love each other on the same level at the get-go? And is out of place for me to decline a man who is of a strong character and a solid Christian if I think he is not as eloquent and lacks the kind of poise I would like even though I love him?
He has the character traits I want and he is desirous of getting married ASAP to me and sometimes I feel like this is who God wants for me but I have strongholds that are beclouding my assessment of this amazing man.
I am willing to let go of my strongholds if I am fully convinced that he is God’s desire for me.
It sounds like he loves you more than you love him. Only you can decide as God leads you if you love him enough to marry him. Many people are not equally in love when they get married. It is a choice to love him and if you marry you should believe that this is absolutely Gods will and never turn your back on that. As you love him, your love will grow in depth and understand. It also sounds like you are doing your best to analyze your feelings and your mind. Only God can reveal his will. If you ask for wisdom, God promised to give it to you. So take some time and pray about it, talk to your pastor and close spiritual friends. (worldly friends may lead you astray) Find those who see things from a spiritual perspective. Thanks for reading and commenting Tosin.
God bless you richly for this write up. I believe it will help me navigate the process of choosing a husband well.
I am glad it has given you some insight.
God bless you.
Enjoyed the article please pray for as I’m
Praying for wisdom from God on a situation, to not be led by feelings but by the Holy Spirit in this friendship to move into a relationship.
May God lead you as you continue to depend upon His Holy Spirit to guide you in all things. Bob
What’s your kind advice for a Man willing to enter a relationship with a older Lady of 2 years age difference. Though they share the same core values and from Christian background. Will cultural disposition not cause issues at he long run?
I don’t see any problem if the lady is two years older.
Love is love, and God brings people together.
I would just love some advice!
A friend of mine, and her boyfriend, have had sex before marriage but have sought forgiveness and reconciliation on that sin. They have said that boundaries since then have not been an issue. So all of the people closest to them are trusting them and trying to move forward! But a lot of her family still has other multiple concerns about their relationship, nothing abusive. I have talked with her by myself and then her mom and I talked with her to bring up concerns. So multiple people have voiced the concerns about their relationship and yet nothing has happened (I don’t know what would happen). I am trying to love her well and in this season it looks like loving her well while she is dating her boyfriend. I guess I’m trying to navigate how to love her, but how to not seem like I support their relationship? I don’t want to outwardly be passive or mean to them, so that if I get the opportunity to talk into the relationship I can.
A lot of my current concerns are (1 that people have voiced concerns and nothing has changed, (2 they are talking about marriage and moving towards that direction.
Sometimes it is really hard to be a friend or pastor or one who really cares when you see people in all kinds of situations that you know aren’t good. The best thing is to be there. Tell her that you will love her and support her regardless of what she does, but you do have concerns. If she wants to hear them she will need to ask you. But remember, be gentle in your conversing with her. Tell her over and over how much she means to you. But then tell her that it is her choice. A lot of people try to force their will on others, (you dont sound like that type of person.) but remember God gave us free will. She is free to do whatever she chooses, even reject God and live a life of total sin. So telling her it is her choice, puts the responsibility where it should be, on her. Also remember that having premarital sex is a sin that can be forgiven. I would also counsel them that if they can’t refrain, it is better to get married. Also remember, people grow at a slow pace. People I had little hope for that I know are now wonderful spouses, because life allowed them to grow. I dont know if this helps but I hope so.
is it ok for me to live with my bf if i need to before marriage but not have intercourse is it ok with God
I fully understand the situation and my counsel would be that we should not make provision for the flesh. It is a natural thing for two people who love each other to want to come together and make love. It is really a hard thing to resist. Why not just go ahead and get married? that is what I think. The bible also says to avoid the appearance of evil. will those who know you believe that your testimony as a Christian is diminished? probably. God Gods way.
If he is not willing to get married then is he really the one?
Am praying for God chosing wife , please pray for me in a state of confusion and unclear if the lady am courting right now is God’s chosen or not.
If you ask God for wisdom, he will surely give it. God is not the author of confusion.
I don’t want to speak publicly, can we talk privately pastor bob, I’m really messed up
please find a bible believing church in your area and seek out spiritual counsel there.
if you are in Houston, come to church we can speak then.
I don’t know how to choose my life partner. Please pray that God would guide me and lead me to the right person.
Lord, I pray that you would guide Angeline to find her life partner, in the name of Jesus. Guide her by your Holy Spirit. Let there be a divine connection and sense of destiny in the relationship. Most of all, let all be done in a God honoring way. Amen
Hello dear pastor…thank you so much for this beautiful insights on choosing lifepartners. I’m from india from a small village ,eldest from all my siblings. I had never in love with any man but recently I love someone whom I met only 21 yrs old….Through our discussion on politics, charity I fall for him ….he is non beleiver . When we talk in calls at night he starts talking sexually ,all kind of romance he says and describes…..I feel this might be wrong but I feel I’m stuck ….I blocked him twice for his egoistic and self centred behaviour like he is possessive …. cannot see with any guy ….we haven’t met in real ….we found eachother thorough instagram. He take promise from me and swears lord Jesus Christ . I’m confused about him should I be with him or is he good and compatible for each other .And I haven’t acheived anything in my life like career etc…. please guide me….but he is kind hearted and loves me so much but at night he becomes very sexual I ask him to stop talking and doing but he doesn’t stop. And he is asking me to meet soon….and he started calling me wife from very beginning I was feeling very funny and excited and he asked me to call him husband and we cakl eachother like we have already married …..dear pastor please guide me …. I’m not able to leave him…..and he says if I leave him he will kill me and himself I don’t know if he jokes
My advice to you is to stay away from this man.
He is already abusive, threatening to kill you.
He is pushing you toward sex before marriage.
Run Run as fast as you can.
Leaven him completely.
God will bring you to the right man.
Thanks Pastor Bob. That answer you gave is just right.
That man is manipulative and the lady is very naive.
She must flee from that man ASAP and keep following the Lord and He will bring the right man in time.
Interesting Pastor.God bless you.
Thank you for your comment.
Hi Pastor Bob, thank you for this study. I have been seeing someone despite his spiritual immaturity for the simple reason that he is a believer of God. His actions and conduct don’t always align to God’s Word though. I have made many excuses in my mind for him, willing myself daily that he will change but there remains in my spirit a constant dis-ease that is difficult to ignore.
I have recently made the decision to move on. I haven’t yet communicated the full details to him. Please pray that as I do I will stay focused on God to direct and lead me on the path to finding a god-fearing spouse. I am a 38 year old woman and it is my desire to get married.
Praying for God to continue to guide you by His Spirit.
Please pray for me. Me and my ‘gf’. Really like each other. We have discussed marriage. We both get on so well. Love her job, her heart, her gentleness. She is a Christian. I have always believed God gives us free choice. Has given us the qualities to look for – I have found them in her. But, I don’t have peace. I have spoken to friends and pastors who all support the relationship. They say im over spiritualizing things.
Please pray we will both hear from God. This is the girl i want to marry.
48 m 43 f
Not quite sure how to respond to this. One should have peace from God about major decisions. Maybe it is cold feet? If you have been hurt or wounded in past relationships, are you projecting that onto this relationship?
Find a good pastor or counselor and talk it through.
Please pray for me and my relationship. I have been in this relationship for about 3 years now and my parents say that she is just full of sin. They say, “I am not gonna allow that sin in my household.” We have been praying and fasting for our relationship and God has blessed us tremendously. I know God has joined us together and we both have the desire to marry each other, but our parents think she is the wrong person all because we don’t know all about her life and they think because her dad left them with a different woman, that she will be like that in the future. But she is a firm believer and has a strong relationship with God and is determined that she is living for God all the way. They also say that they will “dictate” who is worthy to be part of my family as my wife, which I disagree based on scripture. And my parents are pastors as well, so i am dealing with that as well.
So, please I need some advice and prayers from yall. Thank you so much.
That sounds like some controlling parents. I don’t know all of the story but the bible says, for this cause a man will LEAVE his father and mother, and CLEAVE unto his wife. If she is a believer in Christ and living for God all the way, their is nothing to stop you from marrying. Perhaps you need to set firm boundaries in your life. Do this gently, with love and compassion, but let them know, this is who I am, (I am an adult) This is what I think (Give them your reasons for what you are going to do) This is what I feel (Let them understand how you feel both about them and her) This is what I am going to do. (Let them know your decision. Invite them in to your life, its up to them to respond with love and respect toward you, their adult son.
If you are living together… that is not a good thing. But it is better for you to get married than to keep living like that.
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Praying for God fearing and loving wife
I dated my girlfriend for 8 years now and we have a daughter out of wedlock together, but my heart beat for someone else to settle down with as husband and wife. Need some prayers and advice please Sir